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1、【摘 要】 目的 研究剖宫产术后XX切口憩室应用经超声联合宫腔镜诊断的价值.方法 87例剖宫产术后XX切口憩室患者作为观察对象, 对全部患者分别采用经超声检查和经超声联合宫腔镜检查, 分析经超声检查、经超声联合宫腔镜检查的诊断正确率.结果 87例患者经超声联合宫腔镜检查的正确率为925%, 明显高于经超声检查的806%, 差异具有统计学意义(P<0.05).结论 在剖宫产术后XX切口憩室的诊断中, 经*超声与宫腔镜联合使用的诊断正确率高, 有助于临床上减少误诊病例, 且能准确测量出切口憩室的局部情况以及残留肌层的厚度, 为后续治疗提供准确的依据, 具有重要臨床应用推广价值.

2、随着近些年来剖宫产率的提高, 剖宫产术后XX切口憩室的发病率也有升高, 该病是XX黏膜层向壁层外突出, 出现局部扩张现象[1].目前关于该病的临床诊断尚无统一的标准, 多通过宫腔镜、B超、磁共振成像(MRI)、超声XX造影等方法进行诊断[2].宫腔镜能检查出XX切口憩室的局部创面情况, 而经超声则能了解XX下段肌层的受损情况、憩室大小、憩室形状等[3], 为了解经超声联合宫腔镜检查在该病中的诊断价值, 特进行本次研究, 现报告如下.

3、7月~2015年9月收治的患者, 全部患者均经MRI、B超、宫腔镜、临床症状体征等检查予以确诊为XX切口憩室.患者年龄23~35岁, 平均年龄(30.2±8)岁, 均有剖宫产史, 其中67例患者有1次剖宫产史, 20例患者有2次剖宫产史.在切口方式上, 有64例患者为XX下段横切口, 23例患者为纵切口.

4、 2 方法 超声检查:选用本院的VOLUSON-GE730型超声诊断仪, 将XX的频率设定为3~10 MHz, 在患者排空膀胱后取截石位, 将XX上套一个安全套, 将XX缓慢的推入到患者的穹窿部, 进行多切面的XX大小、形态检查, 并检查XX内膜、肌层、浆膜层、双侧附件的受损情况.



1、[摘 要] 目的 探討脑电图和经颅多普勒对儿童偏头痛的临床价值. 方法 方便选取2015年8月—2016年8月来该院治疗偏头痛的患儿52例,为实验组,对患者发作期、发作间歇期进行EEG(脑电图)、TCD(多普勒超声)检查.并选取同时期来该院进行健康体检的患儿52例,为对照组.将两组情况进行比较分析. 结果 52例患儿中,经TCD检测显示脑血流动力学正常的有8例(138%),脑血流动力学出现异常者44例(862%),其中血流速度减慢患儿有13例,血流速度增高患儿有12例,双侧血流速度不对称有14例,血流不稳定患儿有5例.52例偏头痛患儿中,描记脑电图表现出现异常的患儿有24例(415%),其中轻度异常10例,中度异常7例,重度异常3例,癎样放电4例,正常范围28例(575%).在两组检查中,经TCD检查和EEG检查共同表现异常的有11例.经过TCD检查EEG检查的患者结果和临床病理检查符合率分别为94%和93%,差异无统计学意义(P>0.05). 结论 对偏头痛患儿行脑电图和经颅多普勒检查,诊断准确性较高,对于后续治疗、用药也有较大的借鉴价值,临床价值较高,值得在临床上推广应用.

2、Research on Clinical Value of ElectroencephalogrXX and Transcranial Doppler Sonography on the Migraine in Children

3、Department of Special Inspection, Laigang Hospital Affiliated to Taishan Medical College, Laiwu, Shandong Province, 271104 China

4、[Abstract] Objective To discuss the clinical value of electroencephalogrXX and transcranial Doppler sonography on the migraine in children. Methods Conclusion selection 52 cases of children with migraine treated in our hospital from August 2015 to August 2016 were selected and the patients were exXXined by the EEG and TCD during the onset period and gointoaction the intermittment period, at the sXXe time, 52 cases of healthy physical exXXination children in our hospital at the sXXe period were selected as the control group, and the situations were compared and XXXXyzed between the two groups. Results Of the 52 cases of children, the TCD test showed that there were 8 cases whose cerebral hemodynXXics was norXXl, accounting for 138%, 44 cases whose cerebral hemodynXXics was abnorXXl, accounting for 862%, 13 cases whose blood flow velocity slowed down, 12 cases whose blood flow velocity increased and 14 cases whose bilateral blood flow rate was asymmetric, and 5 cases whose blood flow was not steady, of 52 cases of children with migraine, the electroencephalogrXX showed that there were 24 cases were abnorXXl, accounting for 415%, including 10 mild abnorXXl cases, 7 cases moderate abnorXXl cases and 3 severe abnorXXl cases, 4 cases with epileptiform discharge, and 28 cases were in the norXXl range, accounting for 575%, and the TCD exXXination and EEG exXXination showed there were 11 abnorXXl cases, and the coincidence rate of TCD exXXination and EEG exXXination and clinical pathology exXXination was respectively 94% and 93%, and the difference was not obvious, without statistical significance(P>0.05). Conclusion The accuracy of electroencephalogrXX and transcranial Doppler sonography on the migraine in children is higher, which is of great reference value to the subsequent treatment and medication with higher clinical value, and it is worth clinical promotion and application.


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