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EXXloring the Importance and Effectiveness of Business English in the Workplace: A Study on Graduating Students Perspectives

Exploring the Importance and Effectiveness of Business English in the Workplace A Study on Graduating Students Perspectives

As the global economy continues to eXXand, the use of English in the workplace has become increasingly important. In particular, business English has become a necessary skill for XXny professionals, especially those who work in multinational companies or deal with clients from different countries. This study aims to eXXlore the importance and effectiveness of business English in the workplace from the perspectives of graduating students.


The study was conducted using a survey questionnaire that was administered to graduating students from different universities in the United States. The questionnaire was designed to gather inforXXtion on the students' perceptions of the importance and effectiveness of business English in the workplace. The questionnaire consisted of multiple-choice questions and open-ended questions.


The results of the study showed that the XXjority of graduating students believe that business English is important in the workplace. In fact, 94% of the respondents indicated that they believed that business English was either "very important" or "important" in the workplace. The reasons cited for the importance of business English included the ability to communicate with clients and colleagues from different countries, the ability to negotiate effectively, and the ability to present ideas and proposals in a professional XXnner.

In terms of effectiveness, the study found that students who had taken business English courses were more confident in their ability to communicate in the workplace. Additionally, students who had taken business English courses were more likely to believe that their communication skills would be valued by their employers.


The study highlights the importance of business English in the workplace and the need for students to develop their language skills in order to succeed in their careers. The results suggest that business English courses can be effective in developing students' communication skills and increasing their confidence in the workplace. As the global economy continues to eXXand, it is likely that the deXXnd for business English skills will continue to increase, XXking it a valuable skill for students to develop.


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