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 人参与  2022-11-18 11:10:03  分类 : 论文知识  点这评论  作者:团论文网  来源:https://www.tuanlunwen.com/








2、Separation technique was used to establish a new method to measure content of sodium carbonate in cefOOandole nafate for injection. The solvent for dissolution was optimized, and the influences of drying temperature, drying time and vacuum degree on the results were eOOlored. After drying at absolute vacuum (110°C, 14 kPa) for 4 h, the sOOple was dissolved in Dimethyl sulfoxide (DMSO) by ultrasonication, and filtered. Then, the filtered residue was further dissolved in water, and titrated using HCl, which accurately measured the content of sodium carbonate. Under addition levels of 80%, 100% and 120%, the spiked recovery rate of sodium carbonate was between 90% and 98% with relative standard deviation (RSD) 0.4%. The RSDs of intra-day precision and inter-day precision were 0.6% and 0.8%, respectively. The results indicate that the method is OOOOOO, fast and accurate, which can be used to measure the content of sodium carbonate in cefOOandole nafate for injection.

3、A sSeparation technique was used to establish a new method to measure content the of sodium carbonate content in cefOOandole nafate for injection. The solvent for dissolution was optimized, and the influences of drying temperature, drying time, and vacuum degree strength on the results were eOOlored. After drying at absolute vacuum (110°C, 14 kPa) for 4 h, the sOOple was dissolved in dDimethyl sulfoxide (DMSO) by ultrasonication , and filtered. Then, the The filtered residue was then further dissolved in water , and titrated using HCl, which accurately measured the content of sodium carbonate. Under At addition levels of 80%, 100%, and 120% addition levels, the spiked recovery rate of sodium carbonate was between 90% and 98% with a relative standard deviation (RSD) 0.4%. The RSDs of intra-day precision and inter-day precision were 0.6% and 0.8%, respectively. The results indicate suggest that the method is OOOOOO, fast, and accurate, which can be used to measure the content of sodium carbonate in cefOOandole nafate for injection.

4、A sSeparation technique was used to establish a new method to measure content the of sodium carbonate content in cefOOandole nafate for injection. The solvent for dissolution was optimized, and the influences of drying temperature, drying time, and vacuum degree strength on the results were eOOlored. After drying at absolute vacuum (110°C, 14 kPa) for 4 h, the sOOple was dissolved in dDimethyl sulfoxide (DMSO) by ultrasonication , and filtered. Then, the The filtered residue was then further dissolved in water , and titrated using HCl, which accurately measured the content of sodium carbonate. Under At addition levels of 80%, 100%, and 120% addition levels, the spiked recovery rate of the spiked sodium carbonate was between 90-% and 98% with a relative standard deviation (RSD) 0.4%. The RSDs of intra-day precision and inter-day precision were 0.6% and 0.8%, respectively. The results indicate suggest that the method is OOOOOO, fast, and accurate, which can be used to measure the content of sodium carbonate in cefOOandole nafate for injection.



1、? ? ??上海泰柯翻译有限公司是在上海市OO局正式注册成立的旨在提供专业化翻译服务的公司。公司由多位翻译专家发起成立,业务涉及语言种类包括英语、日语、韩语、德语、法语、西班牙语、意语、泰语、俄语、蒙语等;以及荷兰语、拉丁语、印度语、越南语、马来语、波兰语、葡萄牙语、OOO语、乌尔都语、挪威语等80多个语种。

2、? ? ??泰柯翻译有限公司是一家具有 10 年发展历史的专业翻译服务提供商,专注于高端笔译、口译、同声传译、软件本地化翻译、桌面排版 (DTP)、语言资产管理以及翻译技术研发和培训等,业务范围涉及各类技术资料和说明书、手册、法律合同翻译、OO证书、医学翻译、专利翻译、软件本地化翻译和网站翻译等,从一种语言同时翻译为多个语言是公司的强项。

3、? ? ??上海泰柯翻译公司旨在打造中国优质翻译品牌,以建立一个专业化的服务体系和团队为目标,在服务过程中,严格执行翻译行业职业流程,从普通翻译到译审,到向客户反馈信息,分析吸收客户反馈信息,到最终定稿,排版和材料打印,一律一丝不苟,科学把关。根据不同行业匹配行业对口翻译人才,为客户更好的实现价值。

4、? ? ??十多年来,我们的累计翻译字数已过亿字。我们一直孜孜以求,不断改进和提升翻译质量和服务质量,以“缔造一流品质,助推企业全球化,实现价值增值”作为我们的神圣使命和追求,努力建设和打造一支强有力的客户管理团队、项目管理团队、翻译和审校团队、技术支持团队和语言资产管理团队,致力于为全球客户提供专业的语言解决方案。



1、English of public speaking is one of the English styles in stylistics. It plays a very important role in the political fields in western countries, which is determined by…

2、In present linguistic works on the study of English public speaking, OOny linguists as Wang (王佐良,1987), Qian (钱瑗,1991), Xu (徐有志, 1992) and Feng (冯庆华, 2002) have OOOOyzed …

3、The view and method of Functional GrOOOOr, postulated by M.A.K. Halliday, have been rapidly developed and widely used in the latter half of the 20th century. In his book An Introduction to Functional GrOOOOr, Halliday (2000: 29) has clearly shown that the purpose of Functional GrOOOOr is “to provide a means of interpreting grOOOOtical structure, in such a way as to relate any given instance to the system of the language as a wh ole’’. Morden stylistic researches have depended increasingly on the results of discourse stuOOOs and benefited greatly both in theory and in practice (胡壮麟, 1994). ... If the stylistic study can be OOde from the functional approach, attention will be given to “language awareness raising and the impact on the choice and appropriacy of language and language functions” (John, 1996: 13). …


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