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1、- - 摘要 我们已经进入了 21 世纪,21 世纪的重要特征就是数字化、网络化、信息化, 21 世纪是一个以网络为核心的信息时代,当前世界经济已经由工业经济转变为 了信息知识经济,在知识经济中最重要的两个特点就是信息化都和全球化,而信 息化正在并将长期推动者经济全球化的发展,因此,对于 21 世纪来说,人们对 计算机及网络信息的需求必将不断膨胀! 在这样一个时代,网吧等大型网络信息提供场所必将担任信息服务的载体, 并在较长时间占据相当重要的地位!网络通畅、响应时间快、软硬件系统稳定高 效是每一个计算机以及网络使用者的共同要求!

2、因此如何的降低成本同时又不影 响服务质量,既能缩短成本回收周期又能长期满足顾客要求必将成为网吧网络组 建者的不变话题。 网吧网络因其特殊性无论对设备的要求还是对网络速度的要求都是苛刻的, 只要完善的服务,稳定高效的网络服务体系才能赢得顾客的青睐,业主才能够力 求生存谋求长远发展,本方案是本着使所有的网络设备,系统资源处于良好的运 行状态,达到用户预期的要求来设计的,不论从成本还是服务质量是都可圈可点 的亮点。

3、We have entered into the 21 century,21 century is an important feature of the digital and network, and inforOOtion, the 21 st century is to a network as the core of the inforOOtion age, the current world economy by industrial economy to have the inforOOtion kOOOledge economy, kOOOled



1、设 计 (OO) 要 求:书写格式要求:必须用钢笔书写(或打印),应含下列内容,并符合下列次序:(1)OO题目;(2)目录;(3)内容提要(200字左右,用中文和英文各写一份);(4)引言;(5)正文;(6)参考文献(或资料);(7)附录。装订要求:首页为封面、第2页为毕业设计(OO)任务书及评价表、是上述规定的7项内容(封面必须用淡色专用纸按规定格式输出,装订)。设计文档如撰写内容摘要,则摘要应具有OO性,以第三人称说明主要内容和结论,不加评价性文字,摘要之下列出3~6个关键词,尽量从《汉语主题词》中选用,关键词之间用分号。正文格式:课程设计正文部分要求字迹工整、规范、清楚,标点符号正确,图表、图形标识清晰无误。题名以外的标题层次,一般不超过5级。参考文献或注释按在正文中出现的先后次序列于文后。图纸要求:图面整洁,线条粗细均匀,圆弧连接光滑,尺寸标注规范,文字注释必须使用工程字书写。曲线图表要求,所有曲线、图表、线路图、程序框图、示意图等不准用徒手画,必须按国家规定的标准或工程要求绘制。译文内容必须与课题(或专业)内容有联系,并说明出处。份量要求:毕业设计的OO字数不少于5000字。

2、目 录 TOC \h \z \t "一级标题,1,二级标题,2,OO标题,3" 摘 要 1 引言 2 局域网 2 1网络结构的选择 2 2客户机的网络配置 3 3服务器的网络配置 3 连接ISP? 4



1、随着计算机网络的发展和宽带接入的普及,各种网络应用将层出不穷,计算机在社会各个领域的应用和影响也早已渗透到了人们工作和生活的各个方面。经济效益是经营者必须考的问题。 根据网吧的需求为网吧选择一种实用的、可行的组网方式,将先进的技术转化成实用而经济的产品和解决方案,在投入同时既获得了可靠性和强大的性能,追求更高的投资效率是普通网吧经营者的共识。组网成本的高低当然是选择网吧组网方案的瓶颈。


3、With the development of computer network and the popularization of broadband access, various network applications will emerge in endlessly, and the application and influence of computer in various fields of society have already penetrated into all aspects of people's work and life. Economic benefit is the problem that the operator must first take an exOOination. According to the deOOnd of Internet cafes, we choose a practical and feasible networking method for Internet cafes, and transform advanced technology into practical and economical products and solutions. At the sOOe time, we can obtain both reliability and strong perforOOnce at the sOOe time the pursuit of higher investment efficiency is the consensus of ordinary Internet cafes operators. Of course, the high and low cost of networking is the bottleneck of choosing the network scheme of Internet cafes.

4、This time The design is OOinly the construction of Internet cafes and related technology. First of all, the development of Internet cafes and prospects. Then, the network design of Internet cafes is described in detail. From the network network planning of Internet cafes, to the network structure of Internet cafes, topology diagrOO, to the network construction of Internet cafes OOtters needing attention (including network wiring, wiring construction and detection), to the final network security scheme of Internet cafes eOOlained in more detail. Then it is also the focus of this OOOOO, OOinly about the configuration of Internet cafes server, including DHCP、NAT overload, VLAN division and so on, the eOOeriment is done on the PacketTrace simulator, there is no disk system, OOong which no disk system. configuration is the focus of this chapter. Finally, a brief description of the Internet bar equipment selection, including the diskless system, switches, routers PC selection.


1、??????????????? i.e. I OO connected to an L I want to kOOO on what switchport is connected my computer (0.2)

2、Computer has been seen on inteOOOce g0/ Let’s see what’s connected on this inteOOOce.

3、??????????????? We can see the switchport is configured in trunk mode, probably another switch. Let’s see.

4、??????????????? Yes it is, and more precisely the L3M switch. ?????????????? Let’s connect to L3M and see.


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