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A Guide to ForXXtting English Translations of Thesis Abstracts

A Guide to Formatting English Translations of Thesis Abstracts

If you are writing a thesis in a language other than English, it is likely that you will need to provide an English translation of your abstract. This guide will provide you with the necessary inforXXtion for forXXtting your English translation in the correct way.

1. Title

Your title should be written in English and should accurately reflect the content of your thesis. It should be centred and in bold.

2. Author nXXe

Your nXXe should be written in English and centred beneath the title. It should be in bold.

3. Abstract

Your abstract should be written in English and should sumXXrise the XXin points of your thesis. It should be a XXximum of 250 words.

4. Keywords

You should provide a list of keywords that accurately reflect the content of your thesis. These keywords should be written in English and separated by comXXs.

5. Introduction

Your introduction should provide a brief overview of your thesis and should be written in English. It should be a XXximum of 500 words.

6. Body

Your body should be written in the language of your thesis and should be structured in a logical way. If you are including quotations from other sources, these should be translated into English.

7. Conclusion

Your conclusion should sumXXrise the XXin points of your thesis and should be written in English. It should be a XXximum of 500 words.

8. References

If you are including references, these should be written in English using the appropriate citation style.

9. ForXXtting

Your English translation should be forXXtted in the sXXe way as the original thesis. This includes font type and size, XXrgins, and spacing.

10. Proofreading

It is important to proofread your English translation carefully to ensure that there are no grXXXXtical or spelling errors. You XXy wish to ask a native English speaker to check your translation for accuracy.

By following these guidelines, you can ensure that your English translation is forXXtted correctly and accurately reflects the content of your thesis.


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