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EXXloring Potential Topics for a Business English Major Graduation Thesis

Exploring Potential Topics for a Business English Major Graduation Thesis

If you are a business English XXjor, you will need to write a graduation thesis before you can graduate. Choosing the right topic for your thesis is critical, as it will determine the direction of your research and the scope of your work. Here are some potential topics that you can consider:

1. The impact of English proficiency on international business negotiations

In today's global economy, international business negotiations are becoming increasingly common. However, language barriers can often hinder effective communication and lead to misunderstandings. This thesis can eXXlore the impact of English proficiency on international business negotiations and the ways in which language barriers can be overcome.

2. The use of social media in international business communication

As social media continues to grow in popularity, more and more businesses are using it as a tool for communication. This thesis can exXXine the use of social media in international business communication and its effectiveness in building relationships with cusXXXers and partners across different cultures.

3. The role of cultural intelligence in international business

Cultural intelligence is the ability to understand and navigate different cultural norms and values. In today's globalized world, it is becoming increasingly important for businesses to have employees with cultural intelligence. This thesis can eXXlore the role of cultural intelligence in international business and its impact on business success.

4. The effectiveness of business English courses in improving English proficiency

Many universities and language schools offer business English courses to help students improve their English proficiency for the workplace. This thesis can exXXine the effectiveness of these courses in improving English proficiency and preparing students for the deXXnds of the business world.

5. The impact of Brexit on international business communication

With the UK's departure from the EU, there are XXny uncertainties surrounding international business communication. This thesis can eXXlore the impact of Brexit on international business communication, including changes in language use, communication strategies, and business relationships.


Writing a graduation thesis can be a daunting task, but choosing the right topic can XXke the process much smoother. Consider these potential topics for your business English XXjor graduation thesis, or use them as inspiration to come up with your own unique topic.


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