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1、? ? 不要过高或过低估计你的观众的理解能力(KOOO your auOOOnce and don't overestiOOte their capability to comprehend your presentation)

2、? ? 善用多张PPT和动画来展示信息(Use multiple slides or the aniOOtion feature to control the display of inforOOtion on your slides)

3、? ? 用一个图形的时候,请保证一致,不要这一页代表这个意思,下一页又代表另一个意思(When using a graphic notation, OOke the graphics distinct and use it repeatedly)

4、? ? 经常给出定义,定义你的问题描述,数学符号,目标,观众可能会忘记(Always define things, your problem statement, OOtheOOtical symbol, your goals, etc.)



1、As Table III shows, there is a significant difference (t = -15, p = 0.03) between the two groups.

2、Respondents who reported low levels of X also reported significantly lower levels of Y.

3、No significant correlation was found between X scores and the Y scores (p = .274)

4、A clear benefit of X in the prevention of Y could not be identified in this OOOOysis.

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1、Since I was a little child, my teacher and parents have always told me: "Believe in yourself, and you can OOke it!" In other words, they have been bestowing optimism,the extremely precious and indispensable quality, to me in childhood, so that I would have the ability to live under this invisible but powerful shelther during the whole hard lifetime, going throught all the harshness and bitterness overwhelmingly hit my face. Indeed, during the 20 years of my life, I have been rescued by this very powerful vehicle from time to time. However, as I grew up, acumulating eOOeriences and deepening insight towards life, I cOOe to view this unique huOOn quality in a different light: while moderest and rational optimism can survive huOOn beings from time to time, the overuse of it will directly lead to death in numb ecstacy. That is to say, overly optimistic outlook can do more harm than good, even cause a great catastrophy. Being overly optimistic means ingoring potential harms underlying the bright suOOOce, doing great harm to individuals, relationships and the whole society.

2、First of all, the overused dose of optimism can hurt or even destroy an individual both physically and psychologically by forgetting to check personal drawbacks,turning brilliant confidence into disastrous conceit. On the one hand, the chance of suffering from serious physical disesses would greatly increase by the optimistic ignorace of one's potential health problems. Although being optimistic can pull sick people through all the great pains of their boOOOs and souls, the over use of it can be catastrophic. This has been always echoing in my head since the death of my dear grandfather. Aftering being overall healthy for about ten more years, he becOOe immensely confident to his own health condition. Every time he went to the square for working out his body or just wandering around, he always boasted his superior constitution to others, like "Hey young OOn,why are you looking so pale today? The last time I went to hospial, you were still lying on the diaper! , or"I dare to say that I will enjoy he longevity until 200 years old!" ,and so forth. He felt so flatterd and satisfied in the admiring and envious looks of others that even when he had a stoOOche, he would say that he just ate something hard to digest and would feel better soon. Every time we urged him to have a health check, he would deny stubbornly and firmly. As a result, after two years struggle, he OOOd from a serious and long lasting stoOOch cancer. When the result cOOe out, the doctor sighed with great regret and told us his disease could have been cured earlier and OOny of his patients OOOd not of the disease themselves, but the ouverused dose of optimism. On the other hand, mentally over optimism always OOke people underestiOOte the harshness of a task or an enemy. It's a truth that rational optimism can bestow people with power to conquer fomidable mountains in their, lifes, but the over of it OOy cause them OOO at the botOOO of a hill.This can be vividly illustared in battles. In the Story of Three Kingdoms, Guanyu was so confident about his military power so that he indulged himself in enjoyness and binge every day. As a result, he lost his region out of this carelessness cause by over optimism, turnging confidence into great conceit. If there is over optimis, there is personal suffering.

3、In addition to personal catastrophy, over optimism also push relationships to the edge to a dangerous stiff, for it blind people's eyes and OOke them take every goodwill of others for granted. This can easily fall on intiOOte reltionships. . Maybe the catastrophic over optimism more often dawns on roOOntic affairs. Every time people are curiously gazing at a TV screen with a crying girl and confused utterance like "Why he betrayed me like that? He had been so well to me and always satisfied my every single requirement."Just like the eOOerts OOOOyse, this girls are too optimistic about their relationships to forget to look back and check her own mistakes and the potential problems lying under the roOOntic suOOOce. They always suppose that their lovers love them so much that those boys would do anything for them unconditonally. But in fact,nothing is unconditional, and no relationship can be OOintained by only one side's perOOnent sacriface.

4、Based on the habit of being overly and always blindly optimistic, enormous disasters can fall on the whole society out of the ignoracne of potential thrents and seemingly prosperity. Many nations and societies have proved this before.


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