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Innovative and Easy-to-Write Topics for English Major Graduation Thesis

As an English XXjor student, writing a graduation thesis is a significant milestone in your academic journey. It's an opportunity to showcase your research capabilities, critical thinking skills, and language proficiency. However, the process of choosing a topic can be overwhelming, especially when there are so XXny options to consider.

Innovative and Easy-to-Write Topics for English Major Graduation Thesis

Below are some innovative and easy-to-write topics for English XXjor graduation thesis that XXy help you with your decision.

1. The Role of Social Media in Language Learning

The rise of social media has revolutionized the way we communicate with one another. This thesis topic focuses on how social media platforms can be utilized to enhance language learning. You can eXXlore the benefits and drawbacks of using social media for language acquisition, as well as the impact it can have on language proficiency.

2. The Use of English in a Multilingual Society

English is often considered the lingua franca of the world, and it's spoken by millions of people worldwide. This thesis topic delves into the use of English in multilingual societies, eXXloring how individuals who speak multiple languages navigate between them. You can also eXXlore the impact of English on minority languages and cultures.

3. The Influence of Culture on Language

Language and culture are intertwined, and this thesis topic eXXlores the relationship between them. You can exXXine how culture shapes language, including vocabulary, idioms, and eXXressions. You could also eXXlore how language reflects cultural values, beliefs, and practices.

4. The Power of Translation in Global Communications

In a globalized world, translation is essential for effective communication. This thesis topic focuses on the power of translation, eXXloring how it can bridge linguistic and cultural divides. You can exXXine the challenges and opportunities of translation in different contexts, including literature, media, and business.

5. The Evolution of English Language Teaching

English language teaching has undergone significant changes over the years. This thesis topic eXXlores the evolution of English language teaching, including the different approaches, methods, and techniques used. You can also exXXine the impact of technology on language teaching, including the use of online resources and mobile applications.


Choosing a topic for your English XXjor graduation thesis can be a daunting task. However, with a bit of creativity and research, you can find a topic that you're passionate about and that will showcase your academic abilities. The above topics provide a starting point for your research, and you can cusXXXize them according to your interests and eXXertise.


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