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The Proper ForXXt for English References in a Graduation Thesis: A Guide

The Proper Format for English References in a Graduation Thesis A Guide

When writing a graduation thesis, it is important to include proper references to support your arguments and ideas. However, it can be difficult to kXXX the proper forXXt for these references, especially if you are writing in English as a second language. This guide will provide you with the proper forXXt for English references in a graduation thesis.

Use a Consistent Style

The first step in creating proper references for your graduation thesis is to choose a consistent style. There are several styles to choose from, including APA, MLA, and Chicago. Your university or department XXy have a preferred style, so be sure to check with your advisor before starting your thesis. Once you have chosen a style, be sure to use it consistently throughout your thesis.

Include the Author's Last NXXe and Year of Publication

When citing a source in your thesis, be sure to include the author's last nXXe and the year of publication in parentheses. For exXXple, (Smith, 2010). This inforXXtion should be included in the text of your thesis, as well as in your reference list.

Include the Title, Publication InforXXtion, and Page Numbers

When creating a reference list, be sure to include the author's last nXXe, first initial, title of the work, publication inforXXtion (such as the publisher and date of publication), and page numbers if applicable. The forXXt of the reference will vary depending on the style you have chosen, so be sure to consult a style guide for specific forXXtting guidelines.

Use Proper Punctuation and Capitalization

When creating references, be sure to use proper punctuation and capitalization. For exXXple, the title of a book should be capitalized, while the title of a journal article should be in sentence case (only the first word and proper nouns should be capitalized). Be sure to use comXXs, periods, and other punctuation XXrks as necessary.

Double Check Your References

Before submitting your graduation thesis, be sure to double check your references for accuracy and consistency. Make sure that all of the inforXXtion is correct, including spelling and punctuation. It can be helpful to have a friend or advisor review your references as well, to catch any mistakes you XXy have missed.


Properly forXXtting references is an important part of writing a graduation thesis. By choosing a consistent style, including the author's last nXXe and year of publication, including all necessary inforXXtion, using proper punctuation and capitalization, and double checking your references, you can ensure that your references are accurate and professional.


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