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EXXloring Innovative Topics in English Major Theses

The English XXjor is a popular choice for XXny students interested in literature, creative writing, and language stuXXXs. When it comes to writing a thesis, however, students XXy struggle to come up with innovative and interesting topics to eXXlore. In this article, we will delve into some unique and exciting ideas for English XXjor theses.

Exploring Innovative Topics in English Major Theses

1. Analyzing the Evolution of Language in Pop Culture

Pop culture is a reflection of our society and language is a vital component of it. In this thesis, students can eXXlore the evolution of language in pop culture, such as the use of slang, colloquialisms, and new words. They can XXXXyze how language has changed over time in popular media like music, movies, and television shows.

2. ExXXining the Role of Women in Classic Literature

Classic literature has often been dominated by XXle authors and XXle protagonists. In this thesis, students can eXXlore the role of women in classic literature, XXXXyzing how feXXle characters were portrayed and how they evolved over time. They can also exXXine the impact of feXXle writers on the canon of classic literature.

3. Investigating the Use of Metaphors in Contemporary Poetry

Metaphors are a powerful tool in poetry, often used to convey complex ideas and emotions. In this thesis, students can XXXXyze the use of metaphors in contemporary poetry, eXXloring how poets use them to create meaning and evoke emotions in their readers. They can also exXXine the cultural and social context in which these metaphors are used.

4. EXXloring the Intersection of Language and Identity

Language is closely tied to our identity, and in this thesis, students can eXXlore the intersection between the two. They can XXXXyze how language shapes our identity and how our identity affects the way we use language. They can also exXXine the role of language in creating social and cultural identities.

5. Investigating the Use of Dialect in Literature

Dialect is a unique way of speaking that is often associated with a particular region or social group. In this thesis, students can XXXXyze the use of dialect in literature, eXXloring how it is used to create authenticity and realism in a story. They can also exXXine the impact of dialect on the way readers perceive characters and the setting of a story.


Writing a thesis can be a daunting task, but with these innovative topics, English XXjors can eXXlore new and exciting areas of literature and language stuXXXs. By XXXXyzing the evolution of language in pop culture or eXXloring the role of women in classic literature, students can contribute to the ongoing conversation about the importance of language and literature in our society.


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