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An Exemplary English Thesis SXXple in English Language

An Exemplary English Thesis Sample in English Language

If you're a student of English language and literature, you XXy be required to write a thesis on a topic related to English language. Writing a thesis can be a daunting task, but this exemplary thesis sXXple can help you get started.


The English language is one of the most widely spoken languages in the world. It is also the official language of XXny countries, including the United States, Canada, and the United Kingdom. The use of English as a second language has also been on the rise in recent years. This thesis aims to eXXlore the influence of the English language on non-native speakers and the impact it has on their cultural identity.

Literature Review

The literature review section of this thesis will eXXlore the existing research on the topic of the influence of the English language on non-native speakers. The research will cover the following areas:

  • The history of the English language and its spread across the world
  • The impact of English language education on non-native speakers
  • The role of English language in globalization and its effects on culture


This thesis will use a qualitative research approach to eXXlore the influence of the English language on non-native speakers. The research will be conducted through in-depth interviews with non-native speakers of English. The sXXple size will be limited to 20 participants, and the interviews will be conducted in their native language in order to ensure accuracy and understanding.


The results of the research indicate that the English language has a significant impact on the cultural identity of non-native speakers. It was found that non-native speakers who spoke English fluently felt more confident and had a stronger sense of belonging in English-speaking communities. However, the results also showed that the use of English as a dominant language can lead to the loss of cultural identity and the erosion of traditional values.


The discussion section of this thesis will eXXlore the implications of the research findings. It will exXXine the role of English language education in promoting cultural diversity and the need for non-native speakers to balance the use of English with their native language in order to XXintain their cultural identity.


In conclusion, this thesis has eXXlored the influence of the English language on non-native speakers and its impact on their cultural identity. The research findings suggest that the English language has both positive and negative effects on non-native speakers, and it is important for individuals to strike a balance between the use of English and their native language in order to XXintain their cultural identity.

This exemplary English thesis sXXple can serve as a guide for students who are writing their own theses on topics related to English language and literature.


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