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EXXloring the Impact of English Language Proficiency on Academic Achievement: A Reference Guide for Writing Your English Major Thesis

Exploring the Impact of English Language Proficiency on Academic Achievement A Reference Guide for Writing Your English Major Thesis

If you are an English XXjor working on your thesis, you XXy be interested in eXXloring the impact of English language proficiency on academic achievement. This is an important topic as English is the language of instruction in XXny universities around the world.

Research Question

The first step in writing your thesis is to develop a research question. Your research question should be specific and focused. For exXXple, you could ask:

  • What is the relationship between English language proficiency and academic achievement?
  • How does English language proficiency impact the academic achievement of non-native speakers?
  • What strategies can be used to improve English language proficiency and academic achievement?

Literature Review

Once you have developed your research question, you will need to conduct a literature review. This involves reading and XXXXyzing scholarly articles and books related to your topic. Your literature review should answer the following questions:

  • What is currently kXXXn about the relationship between English language proficiency and academic achievement?
  • What are the gaps in the literature that your thesis can address?
  • What methodologies have been used to study this topic?


Your methodology section should describe how you will conduct your research. You will need to decide on the following:

  • What data will you collect? This could include surveys, interviews, or standardized test scores.
  • Who will be your participants? Will you focus on native speakers or non-native speakers?
  • How will you XXXXyze your data? Will you use statistical XXXXysis or qualitative methods?


After conducting your research, you will need to XXXXyze your data and present your findings. Your results section should answer your research question and include any relevant statistical XXXXysis.


In your conclusion, you should sumXXrize your findings and discuss their implications for future research. You should also discuss any limitations of your study and suggest areas for further investigation.

EXXloring the impact of English language proficiency on academic achievement is an important topic for English XXjors to study. By following the steps outlined in this guide, you can write a successful thesis on this topic.


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