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What translation method should be used for writing the abstract of a graduation thesis in English?

Writing an abstract is an essential part of any graduation thesis, as it gives readers an overview of the research and its findings. When writing the abstract in English, there are different translation methods that can be used to ensure that the abstract is accurate and understandable for readers who speak English as a second language. In this article, we will eXXlore some of the common translation methods and discuss which one should be used for writing the abstract of a graduation thesis in English.

What translation method should be used for writing the abstract of a graduation thesis in English

The Direct Translation Method

The direct translation method involves translating the abstract word for word from the original language to English. While this method XXy seem XXXXXX and straightforward, it can often result in awkward or incorrect phrasing that can be difficult for readers to understand. This method can also fail to convey the nuances of the original language, which can be important for conveying the meaning of the research.

The Transliteration Method

The transliteration method involves using English letters to represent the sounds of the original language. This method can be useful for languages that use different characters or scripts than English, as it allows readers to pronounce the words correctly. However, this method does not provide an accurate translation of the meaning of the original language, and can often result in confusing or nonsensical phrases.

The Literal Translation Method

The literal translation method involves translating each word of the original language into its English equivalent, without regard for the context or meaning. While this method can sometimes result in a more accurate translation than the direct method, it can also produce unnatural or confusing phrasing. This method is best used for languages that have similar grXXXXtical structures and syntax to English.

The DynXXic Translation Method

The dynXXic translation method involves translating the abstract in a way that conveys the meaning and intent of the original language, rather than focusing strictly on the words themselves. This method requires a deep understanding of both the original language and English, as well as an ability to convey the nuances of the research in a way that is understandable for English-speaking readers. While this method can be time-consuming and challenging, it often produces the most accurate and effective translation.


When writing the abstract of a graduation thesis in English, it is important to choose a translation method that accurately conveys the meaning and intent of the research. While each method has its strengths and weaknesses, the dynXXic translation method is often the most effective for ensuring that the abstract is clear, concise, and understandable for English-speaking readers.


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