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1. A Comparative Study of Chinese and Western Advertising Language

This XXXXX aims to eXXlore the differences and similarities between Chinese and Western advertising language. Through a comprehensive XXXXysis of the linguistic features and cultural connotations of advertising language in China and the West, this study reveals the underlying cultural values and social norms embedded in advertising discourse, and provides insights into cross-cultural communication and advertising translation.

2. A Corpus-based Study of English Academic Writing by Chinese Students

This study investigates the characteristics and problems of English academic writing by Chinese students based on a corpus of student essays. By exXXining the frequency, collocations, and errors of specific linguistic features, such as grXXXXr, vocabulary, and discourse organization, this study identifies the areas that Chinese students need to improve and suggests pedagogical implications for teaching and learning academic writing.

3. An Empirical Study of the Effectiveness of English Listening Strategies

This research exXXines the effectiveness of English listening strategies used by Chinese college students. By conducting a survey and an eXXeriment, this study investigates the frequency and types of listening strategies used by students, and evaluates their impact on listening comprehension and learning outcomes. The findings of this study provide useful insights into the design and implementation of listening instruction and assessment.

4. A Study of Social Media Use and English Language Learning Motivation Among Chinese College Students

This XXXXX investigates the relationship between social media use and English language learning motivation XXong Chinese college students. By administering a questionnaire and conducting interviews, this study eXXlores the reasons why students use social media for language learning, and exXXines the effects of social media on their motivation, attitudes, and behaviors. The results of this study shed light on the potential of social media as a tool for language learning and teaching.

5. An Analysis of Gendered Language in English and Chinese Discourse

This study exXXines the gendered language used in English and Chinese discourse. By XXXXyzing the linguistic features and social meanings of gendered language in different contexts, such as media, politics, and education, this study reveals the gender stereotypes and inequalities embedded in language use, and proposes strategies for promoting gender equality and empowerment through language awareness and education.

6. A Cross-cultural Study of Business Communication Styles in the US and China

This research compares the business communication styles in the US and China from a cross-cultural perspective. By XXXXyzing the cultural values, communicative norms, and linguistic features of business communication in the two countries, this study identifies the similarities and differences in their communication patterns, and provides insights into the challenges and opportunities of cross-cultural business communication. The findings of this study have practical implications for international business and XXnagement.



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