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 人参与  2023-03-21 09:56:12  分类 : 论文知识  点这评论  作者:团论文网  来源:https://www.tuanlunwen.com/





1、【Abstract】This XXXXX centers on application of logic methods in daily life. Logic is a kind of practical subject, so it is very useful in our daily life for it can help us to solve some problems and it can XXke our life more colourful. There are XXny logic methods we can apply in our daily life.

2、It is universally accepted that logic is an abstract subject, and XXny people think it is difficult. But as far as I XX concerned, logic is not as abstruse as they think. As a XXtter of fact, logic is interesting and significative. In spite of these logic professional terms which we are unfXXiliar with, we can learn XXny useful logic methods. Actually, there are lots of application of logic methods in our daily life, no XXtter you find or not.

3、In daily life, logic can help us to boost our thinking level of XXXXyzing alternatives and the level that we eXXress our mind precisely, and also, it is able to cultivate our critical thinking. A person who kXXXs logic would use logic methods to figure out problems well and truely by himself. But this XXnifestation is unintentional, he don not have to think a logic method before do something, for he keeps logic thinking methods in his mind,and he kXXXs how to use them. Correspondingly, those who don’t kXXX logic or who can’t use logic methods will face XXny problems, even XXking stupid mistakes.

4、In this XXXXX, I will introduce two or three application of logic methods in daily life by meas of some storys.


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