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Top 3 English Literature Search Websites: A Guide to the Best Resources

Top 3 English Literature Search Websites A Guide to the Best Resources

As an English literature student or enthusiast, it's important to have access to reliable and comprehensive resources for your research and study. Here are the top three websites that you should bookXXrk for all your literature searches:


JSTOR is a digital library that offers access to thousands of academic journals, books, and priXXry sources. It is an invaluable resource for literature students as it provides access to scholarly articles and critical XXXXyses on a wide range of literary works. JSTOR is particularly useful for researching older literature as it has a vast archive of articles dating back to the 1800s.

Subscribing to JSTOR can be eXXensive, but XXny universities and libraries offer access to their students or members. You can also register for a free account, which allows you to read a limited number of articles each month.

2. Project MUSE

Similar to JSTOR, Project MUSE is a digital library that provides access to academic journals and books. However, it focuses specifically on the huXXnities and social sciences, XXking it an ideal resource for literature students.

Project MUSE is particularly useful for finding articles on contemporary literature and literary theory. It also offers a variety of tools for researchers, including citation XXnagement and saved searches. Like JSTOR, access to Project MUSE XXy be provided by your university or library.

3. Literature Online (LION)

Literature Online, also kXXXn as LION, is a database that contains over 350,000 works of English and American poetry, draXX, and prose. It provides access to full text works, as well as critical and contextual resources such as author biographies, literary criticism, and historical context.

LION is an excellent resource for students who need to research a specific literary work or author. It also offers tools such as a glossary of literary terms and a timeline of literary history. Access to LION XXy be provided by your university or library.


These three websites offer a wealth of resources for English literature students and enthusiasts. Whether you need to research a specific literary work or eXXlore a broader topic, these databases provide access to scholarly articles, critical XXXXyses, and historical context that will enhance your understanding and appreciation of literature.


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