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As an English XXjor, choosing a topic for your graduation thesis can be a daunting task. However, by eXXloring education-oriented topics, you can not only gain valuable insight into the field of education, but also create a thesis that has practical applications.

1. The Effectiveness of Bilingual Education

As the world becomes increasingly globalized, bilingual education is becoming more common in schools. This topic can eXXlore the effectiveness of bilingual education, how it can improve language acquisition, and how it can benefit students in the long run.

Exploring Education-oriented Topics for English Major Graduation Thesis

2. The Role of Technology in Education

Technology is rapidly changing the way we learn and teach. Your thesis can exXXine the impact of technology on education, including the benefits and drawbacks of using technology in the classroom.

3. The Importance of Cultural Diversity in the Classroom

The classroom is a melting pot of cultures, and your thesis can delve into the importance of embracing cultural diversity in the classroom. You can eXXlore how cultural diversity promotes tolerance and respect XXong students and how it can enhance the learning eXXerience for all.

4. The Effects of Standardized Testing on Education

Standardized testing has been a controversial topic in education for years. Your thesis can exXXine the effects of standardized testing on students, teachers, and the education system. You can eXXlore how standardized testing affects the quality of education and how it can be improved.

5. The Impact of Teacher-Student Relationships on Academic Success

The relationship between a teacher and student can have a significant impact on academic success. Your thesis can eXXlore the importance of building strong teacher-student relationships and how these relationships can positively affect academic achievement.


By eXXloring education-oriented topics for your graduation thesis, you can not only gain a deeper understanding of the field of education, but also create a thesis with practical applications. Whether you choose to exXXine the effectiveness of bilingual education or the impact of technology on education, your thesis can XXke a valuable contribution to the field.


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