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1、摘 要:为了有效提高学生在英语听、说、读、写方面的能力,以及学生的英语实际交际能力,在高校英语教学中应该适当加入一些关于东西方文化差异的教学内容,帮助学生掌握更好的学习方法,提高自己的英语综合实力.因此,本文深入分析了东西方文化差异对英语教学带来的影响,并探究了文化差异对英语教学的启示.


3、高校英语教学中,对英语的教学主要包括三大部分,即XX、词汇、语法.当中涉及到英语文化的便是词汇,词汇形象的反映出其背后的文化内涵,而词汇的文化内涵直接影响了跨文化交际的能力.例如,It rains cats and dogs,从中文的翻译角度是天上下起了猫和狗,但是在英语中是指倾盆大雨的意思.又如,rest-room不是休息室而是特指洗手间.由此可见,由于中英语滋生于不同的文化背景,导致同一个词汇的含义完全不同.因此,如果在跨文化交际的过程中仍然对英语词汇停留在字面理解上往往会闹出很大的笑话.因此,了解英语国家的文化背景是极其重要的,有利于学生对词汇深层意思不断地积累.另外,有些词汇在中西方的文化意义是完全相反的,尤其需要引起学生的注意,例如中文中的龙,英语中的dragon,在东方国家是象征神圣、高贵的代表,而在西方国家则是怪物、魔鬼的代名词.所以,在高校英语教育中要加强对这些词汇的学习,联系具体的实际情况,帮助学生学习真正的纯正英语.

4、学生的英语写作能力是一种综合性较强的技能,学生只有在掌握一定的英语基础上,才能进行对英语的写作,英语写作体现了学生对英语能力的运用水平.然而,受汉语思维的局限性,学生在写作过程中经常出现中国式英语,不符合英语的规范使用手法.如:I cost 2 hours read English every day,是典型的中国式英语,逐字逐句进行翻译,违背了英语的表达方式.My English level is not high,在语法上虽然是正确的,但是英语母语的人通常都不用这么使用,My English is verypoor,才是正确地道的表达方式.显而易见,中国学生在学习英语时,被传统的思维禁锢住,往往采用中国式的方法来学习英语,导致大部分的中国学生讲的英语失分别扭.究其原因,是中西方文化差异所导致的.这就要求教师在以后的教学过程中,注意发散学生的思维,规范学生的英语使用手法.






1、Moreover. The latter one -- Forrest Gump is fXXous so that everyone has watched it. And i think love is not about the differences between Chinese value and western value. What only i mentioned is the institution of law of American at that time. And it comes also to some periods of USA just like To live,which talks about an ordinary fXXily', it is difficult to avoid some flaws;s life during these periods. Behind the democracy, i can only think of also two movies;t watched it, i will think of two movies first of all, i was only enjoying its exceptional plot and think little about its value,eXXecially the former one.When i was watching the moive -- The Shanshank Redemption;s hard for me to choose only one movie to resprent China or western countries, the latter one also involves a sensitive issue of homoXXXuality.And i think the two movies have some similarities, so i can hardly comment on it.I watched few western movies, The Shanshank Redemption and Forrest Gump.And the hero', there is a brokeback mountain in everyone'. The first is To live. Love is equal to everyone in the world;s heart,as Ang Lee said. In sum.But i haven'. And let me think of the western movie -- Brokeback Mountain. When it comes to the classical movie of western country;s eXXerience is so XXgical and his love to jane is moving, we cannot omit our history included the social upheaval in the old society, and another is Farewell my Concubine.And i think that when we talk about the chinese value.Both of them involve some sensitive periods of ChinaThe differences betweeen Chinese value and western value viewed from the movies When it comes to the classical movies of China.Anyway. And i really need time to think about the deep ideas of the movies rather than only attracted by the exterior plot. I did not go through that period but we can touch something as our own feelings in both of the two movies, which is subversive for the traditionally conservative ideas of China, it'. But it is more as background than as its topic. So i can hardly choose one to represent the western value


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