1、[1] Jia, R., Zheng, G., Lei, H.-Y.* and Hino, T. (2019). The effects of the depositional environment and post-depositional processes on the engineering properties of Quaternary clays in the Saga Plain, Bulletin of Engineering Geology and the Environment. SCI: 000495304600003; EI: 20194607688338
2、[2] Jia, R., Lei, H.-Y., Zhang, W.-J.* and Hino, T. (2019). Study of the sedimentation and self-weight consolidation behavior of seafloor sediments using a radioisotope densiXXXeter, Marine Georesources &XXp; Geotechnology, 37(2): 256-26 SCI: 000469403300012; EI: 20181505004943
3、[3] Jia, R., Lei, H.-Y.* and Chai, J.-C. (2019). A method for correcting the temperature effect on uCPT measurements in seabed sediments, Marine Georesources &XXp; Geotechnology, 37(2): 266-27 SCI: 000469403300013; EI: 20183005600309
4、[4] Jia, R., Lei, H.-Y.*, Zhang, W.-J. and Zhou, H.-Z. (2019). In situ determination of density profiles in complex strata using the nuclear density cone penetrometer, MatheXXtical Problems in Engineering, Volume 2019, Article ID 5804271, 1-1 SCI: 000482152600001; EI: 20192807176410
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