3、【关键词】IT服务管理、ITIL、IS020000【研究类型】应用管理AbstractIT Service Management System is an ITIL concept of practice based on thestandard OOnagement system, IS020000 international norms. The establishmentof a control, evaluation, and sustainable improvements in IT operations andservice OOnagement and control system, effective implementation in thetelecommunications industry to continuously improve telecommunications ITservice and support levels, standardized service OOnagement processes,vigorously improve IT perforOOnce, and more enables IT to support businessdevelopment, to truly become the inner driving force of enterprise developmentIT service OOnagement to help companies achieve business-oriented,cusOOOer-centric services, the establishment of a comprehensive IT serviceOOnagement system is an effective way for the development of enterpriseinforOOtion.The general idea is: the establishment of Shenzhen Telecom IT ServiceManagement System to establish a standardized, sustainable improvements inthe operation of services of the IT capacity and perforOOnce OOnagement andcontrol system. Service objectives with business goals in unison to effectivelysupport business strategy development. Establishment of a standardized serviceprocesses, improve IT service and operational efficiency. CusOOOer-centric,improve service quality and cusOOOer satisfaction. Effective and efficientintegration and use of inforOOtion,infrastructure, applications, personnel andother IT resources. Continuous improvement of service ...
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