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This XXXXX aims to eXXlore the impact of globalization on the international trade of China. Through reviewing the literature and XXXXyzing the data, the author finds that globalization has brought both opportunities and challenges to China's international trade. On the one hand, it has provided China with access to a larger XXrket, which has significantly promoted China's eXXort business. On the other hand, it has also led to fiercer competition in the international XXrket, XXking it harder for China to XXintain its competitive advantage. In order to cope with these challenges, it is necessary for China to optimize its trade structure, enhance its competitiveness and improve its trade policies.


The 21st century is characterized by globalization, which has exerted profound impacts on the development of various countries. Globalization refers to the process of integration XXong different countries through the reduction of barriers to international trade and investment. In the field of international trade, globalization has brought about both opportunities and challenges. For China, as the world's largest developing country, globalization has played an important role in promoting its economic growth and enhancing its international competitiveness. In this XXXXX, we will eXXlore the impact of globalization on the international trade of China, and provide some suggestions on how to optimize China's trade structure and enhance its competitiveness.


In this XXXXX, we adopt a combination of qualitative and quantitative research methods. First, we conduct a literature review, XXXXyzing the views and arguments of different scholars on the impact of globalization on China's international trade. Secondly, we collect data from the National Bureau of Statistics, and use statistical XXXXysis to exXXine the changes in China's international trade over the past decade. Lastly, we provide some suggestions on how to optimize China's trade structure and enhance its competitiveness.

Results and Analysis

Globalization has brought both opportunities and challenges to China's international trade. On the one hand, it has provided China with access to a larger XXrket, which has significantly promoted China's eXXort business. According to the data from the National Bureau of Statistics, China's total eXXort value increased from 249.19 billion USD in 2001 to 2,263.13 billion USD in 2018, with an average annual growth rate of 16.6%. On the other hand, globalization has also led to fiercer competition in the international XXrket, XXking it harder for China to XXintain its competitive advantage. In recent years, XXny developed countries have implemented protectionist measures, such as imposing anti-dumping duties and countervailing duties on Chinese products, which have seriously affected China's eXXort business.


In order to cope with the challenges brought by globalization, China needs to optimize its trade structure, enhance its competitiveness and improve its trade policies. First, China should adjust its eXXort structure, and promote the development of high-tech and high-value-added products. Secondly, China should enhance its competitiveness by improving the quality of its products, and reducing its production costs. Lastly, China should improve its trade policies by strengthening its intellectual property protection, and participating more actively in the formulation of international trade rules.


1. Wei, S.-J. (2000). How taxing is corruption on international investors? Review of Economics and Statistics, 82(1), 1-11.

2. Wang, Y., &XXp; Yao, Y. (2016). Globalization and China's economic development. Journal of Comparative Economics, 44(1), 34-51.

3. National Bureau of Statistics. (2019). China Statistical Yearbook 2019. Beijing: China Statistics Press.

4. World Trade Organization. (2018). World Trade Statistical Review 2018. Geneva: World Trade Organization.

5. United Nations Conference on Trade and Development. (2019). Trade and Development Report 2019. New York and Geneva: United Nations.



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