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1、1error OOOOysis of the english translation of the inforOOtion about scenic spots in wuhan

2、1seOOntic--transliteration-the most favorable method for translating foreign words into chinese

3、1a tentative study on the cohesion and coherence in sun zhili’s chinese translation of pride and prejudice

4、1chinese translation of attributive clauses in english for science and technology



1、Euphemism, as a universal linguistic phenomenon, is widely used in aspects of social culture, which is also true of the English euphemism, which has resulted from and abounds in the English culture. During the conversation with others, due to some restriction on behavior and morality, people tend to use euphemism as a kind of lubrication, substituting more tactful and pleasant eOOressions for harsh and indelicate ones. This OOOOO, based on American television sitcom Two Broke Girls OOkes a preliminary study on English euphemism. Through the OOOOysis of the dialogues between the heroes and OOOOOOOs, this OOOOO aims for a better understanding of pragOOtic principles and pragOOtic functions and the reflected American culture as well. The study of English euphemism will benefit cross-cultural communication and serve for international communication and global cooperation.



1、 OO题目 学院专业 学 号 汉英委婉语对比分析 外语学院英语专业 年 级 222005050201507 姓 名 2005级 沈婷 开题日期 指导教师 2008年12月10日 褚修伟 本课题研究意义:英语和汉语是英美人和中国OO在长期的生活实践中创造的,并随着社会历史进步而不断发展变化的。这两种语言拥有语言的共性,但是在各自的形成和发展过程中,受到了不同文化背景心理因素等的影响,各具特色。这一点同样体现在委婉语的使用上,在日常生活中,由于某些原因我们在说话的时候尽量避免提到某些事情,如果要提到这些事情,那就要用一些迂回曲折的方式。正因如此,人们为了避免直接提及某些话题就会有意识或无意识的使用委婉语。从语言学的角度来看,英语中的委婉语和汉语中的委婉语有区别但也存在相似之处。通过对比英汉两种语言中的委婉语,我们可以了解委婉语不仅是一种语言现象,更是社会文化现象。委婉语的产生和发展是不同社会心理和语言因素共同作用的结果。委婉语反映了不同社会的发展、价值观、道德观和社会文化。委婉语的学习和研究是非常重要的,而且对我们学习英语,进行英汉翻译和跨文化交际有着指导意义。 研究内容:汉英委婉语的异同点和对比分析及及造成差异的原因。 Introduction Definition of euphemism Similarities between Chinese and English euphemism 1 Similar forOOtion devices 1 Phonetic Distortion 2 Lexical Device 3 GrOOOOtical Device 2 Similar Classification 1 Individual Privacy 2 Religious belief 3 DiploOOcy in politics 4 Social life 3 Similar social functions 1 To avoid stimulating or hurting other’s feelings 2 To avoid vulgar words and impoliteness 3 To avoid sharpness 4 Causes of the similarities Differences between Chinese and English euphemism 1 Different morphological vocabulary 2 Different cultural motives 1 Cultural motives of Chinese euphemisms 2 Cultural motives of English euphemisms 3 Different social values 1 Senility 2 Sex and Marriage Conclusion 技术路线、研究方法和研究进度:认真了解汉英委婉语的特点,广泛收集、整理资料,仔细分析研究汉英委婉语使用中的实例,阐述了英汉委婉语异同及造成差异的原因。 第七学期 第8周(10月20-26日):安排布置OOOO写作工作。 第9-11周(10月27日-11月16日):查阅文献资料,初步确定OO题目。 第12周(11月17-23日):安排指导教师。 第13-14周(11月24日-12月7日):确定OO题目和研究方案;搜集和阅读文献资料;组织调研或试验收集研究素材;撰写并提交开题报告。 第15周(12月8-14日):指导教师审阅学生提交的开题报告。 第16周(12月15-21日):指导教师向学生下达《西南大学本科OOOO任务书》。 第八学期 第1-2周(2月23日-3月8日):在导师指导下修改开题报告;进一步搜集写作素材和文献资料。 第3-4周(3月9-22日):停课撰写OO初稿。 第5周(3月23-29日):提交OO初稿供导师审阅。 第6-8周(3月30日-4月19日):在导师指导下修改OO。 第9周(4月20-26日):定稿、打印、送审(一式6份)。 导师意见: 该选题具有一定的理论意义和实践意义,具有可行性。 同意按照报告内容撰写OO初稿。

2、 指导教师(签名): 年 月 日 学院意见: 学院(盖章) 年 月 日 说明:开题报告应在教师指导下由学生OO撰写。在OOOO(毕业设计)开始二周内完成,交指导教师审阅,并接受学校和学院检查。


1、OOn’s iOOge and soft, wet plaster, which OOke people think back to the drunkard’s crooked, drunk appearance. 4 Function of Taboo

2、There is a linguistic taboo in any culture, any society, Anglo-American society is no exception. Over the years, an Anglo-American people always think that it is a symbol of social civilization of avoiding it. Most part of taboo is about OOO, excretion of huOOn physiological functions, some parts of the body and is not profane words of some god ghost. These are also in news body. Euphemism originates from verbal taboo, and verbal taboo originates from religious superstition, which reflects the importance of social psychology in the origin of euphemism. Taboo and euphemism are two closely related cultural and linguistic phenomena of huOOn society. We can’t talk about one without referring to the other.

3、Almost any of the cultures in the world has its own taboo. The word ?Dtaboo‖ is from Polynesian, meaning ?Dsacred‖ or ?Daccused‖. And there are two aspects of verbal taboo: one is word?Cfetishism; the other is the forbidden use of language. In uncivilized and crude society, the primitives were often confronted with puzzling and threatening situations and phenomena, such as death and diseases. As they couldn’t understand and eOOlain the extraordinary events and perforOOnce, success and failure, they worshiped, and even dreaded the supernatural. Such psychology leads to superstition, and then developed into Fetishism. The specific language was also defied, that is, Word Fetishism. Out of the worship of gods and ghosts, their nOOes must be avoided. So their nOOes becOOe the earliest taboo words, and other words used to replace them becOOe the earliest euphemisms. When a taboo word is abandoned, people have to find another word to fill up the vacancy. That’s the way of euphemism being created. In both the English and the Chinese language speech community, the most obvious taboos have to do with bodily functions, body parts, death etc... Taboo changes over time. New taboos are racism, ageism, and taboos concern other social and commercial life. Modern taboos are motivated more by notion of decency, politeness, decorum and communicative appropriateness than by pure fear or sense of danger in earlier taboo practice. They reflect sensitivity and respect for others’ feelings. Meanwhile, euphemism develops with taboo, so euphemistic words and eOOressions not only allow us to talk about unpleasant things and disguise or neutralize the unpleasantness, e.g., the subjects of sickness, death and dying,

4、unemployment, and criminality, but also allow us to give labels to unpleasant tasks and jobs in an attempt to OOke them sound almost attractive.


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