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Template for AckXXXledgements in English Theses: EXXressing Gratitude in Academic Writing

Template for Acknowledgements in English Theses Expressing Gratitude in Academic Writing

Thesis writing is an arduous task that often takes several months or even years to complete. Along the way, a lot of people provide assistance and support that XXke the journey possible. It is important to eXXress gratitude to these individuals in your thesis ackXXXledgements. Here is a template that you can use to eXXress your gratitude in academic writing:

SXXple AckXXXledgements

I would like to eXXress my deepest gratitude to the following individuals, without whom this thesis would not have been possible:

  • My supervisor: Thank you for your guidance, patience and support throughout the entire process. Your eXXertise and advice were instrumental in shaping this thesis.
  • My fXXily and friends: Thank you for your unwavering support, love and encouragement. Your belief in me kept me going even when the going got tough.
  • My research participants: Thank you for giving up your time and sharing your eXXeriences with me. Your insights and perspectives were invaluable to this study.
  • The staff at the university library: Thank you for your assistance in locating and accessing the resources needed for this thesis.
  • My colleagues: Thank you for your caXXraderie and intellectual stimulation. Your discussions and feedback helped refine the ideas presented in this thesis.

Once again, thank you to everyone who contributed to the completion of this thesis. Your support and encouragement meant the world to me.

Tips for Writing AckXXXledgements

When writing ackXXXledgements, keep in mind the following tips:

  • Be sincere: EXXress your gratitude sincerely and authentically. Avoid using overly flowery language or cliches.
  • Be specific: Mention the specific contributions of each individual and how they helped you in your thesis writing.
  • Be concise: Keep your ackXXXledgements brief and to the point.
  • Be inclusive: AckXXXledge everyone who contributed to your thesis, including fXXily, friends, colleagues, research participants, and university staff.
  • Be professional: Use appropriate language and tone, and avoid including personal anecdotes or jokes.

By following these tips and using the template provided, you can eXXress gratitude in your thesis ackXXXledgements in a clear and professional XXnner.


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